
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I rushed everything in the end, just to finish this suka... scarf looks like shit but I really stopped careing LOL
(I really need a new blog header eeeeeek-)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Uff...still alive, but school is keeping me busy. Here's another wip of a character

Saturday, September 14, 2013

crap crap crap crap crap sketch

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Heya, I'm tryin to do daily 30 mins paintings (at leats tryin to do them daily :I ) Here are the ones I did so far:

And here's the finished painting I showed the WIP of. I hate plenty things about this one, but I know what I will do better next time.

AND the still life of this month:

Sunday, August 25, 2013

wip teaser thing.. There are plenty of things I hate about this painting already, but I have to finish at least something I guess because a person or two kept telling me to make a portfolio - Fucking scared to paint that armor , will delete this when finished ! Ahh why don't I just let it bee, let it beeeeee

Monday, July 15, 2013

mini post

Wanted to make a huge dump, but I'll be in Vienna for a week so I thought I'd make a little update, as always from life

you can also watch it on my Livestream.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

faces faces faces

UPDATE 2.6.13

Since I don't want to spam I'll upload some extra stuff in this post:
Random Gurl. Oh god this is horrible LOLOL Inspired by Scott Forbes awesome stuff

Unfinished still life because I lost motivation. Took me 3 hours or so


Little update! Here's a sketch WIP which I will update in this post once it's finished:

2 quick & rough face studies:
You can watch how I painted Captain on my livestream (I'd suggest to turn the sound off because my pc made weird noises)

And a longer face study: